Thursday, 27 May 2010

northumbria 2010; part three - print & textiles

A bunch of print collections now.
Some of the womens, and indeed mens colletions had loads of printwork (which was a bit of a first, cos usually the print room is full of print students, but this year they did a lot of digital print so there was more room for everyone! How exciting.), but these are the specifically print students. Usually their collections are simpler shapes with bright and often complicated prints - I guess everyone is '
breaking the rules' this year...

Sophie Dee

SO CUTE. A balloon as a prop? Yesyes. A hint of Prada in that first look; loved the collar/print combo in the second.

Jenny Laura Briggs

Vidi the ruffle-y shoulder thing. Big fan. Dark prints are kinda unusual, no?

Ludmila Maida

This is pretty close to what I expect of a print collection - but with gorgeous structural details like the plaited neck pieces, and the colour mixes are pretty interesting.

Faye Chamberlain

Again with the wonderful bright colours, this time with structures and sequins/shiny bits to highlight certain sections. I really wish these photos had turned out better cos the colours in this were so beautiful and bright...

Angharad Griffiths

Matching shoooooes!

Cherry Kathryn Cumberland


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