Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Luke always has red-eye in photos.
I spend half my life getting rid of it in iPhoto.

More AW10 based goodness here, in Netherlands-based designer Mada van Gaans, who showed lots of floaty things, including a number of perfect shirtdresses in wonderful looking, perfectly slouchy fabrics and gorgeous colours.

Also taken with the gathered, nude piece, which looks almost threadbare at the first look.
Ah, threadbare; the look which is forever at the forefront of lookbook.nu.
Loving the styling too! Gah. Although, I don't know about you, but orange, as with reds and pinks in eye makeup, tends to make me look tired/like I've been crying...
Maybe I'll try to work it out. IDK.

Although, I say this about the styling, but I dunno how I feel about the neck/hair thing in pics 5/6.

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1 comment:


do you know how much visine they probably had to use to make the models eyes look as bright as possible in effort to contrast the red eye makeup? lots.