Monday, 28 December 2009

style resolutions II - not actually to do with style....

Rather, to do with blogging and writing and working in general.
Must post; must keep on writing, unlike I did a little in the summer.
Must not be so lazy.
Must do something productive every day, whether it's uni work, blogging (setting up scheduled posts if I have a lot to blog about!) or working on "other projects"

Must undertake "other projects"...

...other projects being DIY projects; making stuff to sell on etsy, and the newest venture, the zine.

Yeah, so, having a whole bunch of writer/photographer/media/fashion-y type friends is a fat lot of good if you're not going to utilise them, says I. As such, we're looking at putting together a zine of some sort. No ideas yet, of course - we'll look at names, themes, articles etc in the new year, I think, and I'll put up a pdf link on the blog and probably send it about to a few people/bloggers if they're interested whenever it's ready.

Might even have a launch party.

And by launch party, I clearly mean we'll all go to theCut/Jukebox/Stonelove and get drunk.

I will, of course, keep you lot updated on what's occurring with it, but expect something a bit mismatched and random. A bit like this blog, then, non?

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