In case you hadn't heard.
That, of course, also makes it the last week of the year.
Now, 2009 was pretty effing amazing.
I mean, I literally had the year of my life. It can only be downhill from here, can't it?
I assume the next, oh, at least 18 months will be. Stress, stress, stress at uni, I assume. I do hope I can continue to keep up with the ol' blogging.
London, travelling, socialising, meeting the people I met, having the nights I had, starting to blog and as such becoming part of such a welcoming community? Allllll amazing things.
So, what for 2010?
I don't know what the next year, or indeed, any of the future holds in terms of, well, anything, but what I can predict, or make a resolution about at least, is the evolution of jenn.
Not that I'm gonna start talking in the 3rd person; I'm not that pretentious.
If you've been reading for a while you might note that I'm a bit sick of having such short hair. Turns out I have a whole hair plan for the next i-don't-know-how-long, but I think this is achieveable within a year, non?
Hairspiration numero uno:
Some 60s model lady, found on...I don't remember where. It's nearly at this stage already, I think.
Hairspiration numero due:
Taylor Tomasi, senior market editor for Teen Vogue (both pics from Jak&Jil).
All I need is the length! Then a bit of thinning out and a nice straighten. Just not too straight. Never a fan of this.
Hairspiration numero tre:
Daphné Burki (from Garance Doré's blog.)
Back to natural colour, tips dipped in honey blonde, a bit tousled. This time next year, friends and readers, this time next year. I think hers is a honey blonde that's growing out, but I'm not doing that, aww hell no.
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