Wednesday, 12 August 2009

The £1 Rail Is My Best Friend

So, I have hi-jacked Aaron's camera until further notice...

Here are most of my purchases between my camera breaking, and now....(not including the extreeeeme hareems I bought today in the Oasis sale, and the leopard print dress that arrived this morning from eBay, which will have it's own "today's adventures" post sometime soon)

The infamous men's chinos (£1!), which admittedly I need to take up properly rather than just rolling em up and safety pinning 'em. Although certain boys were pulled whilst wearing these, so I believe this was a pound well spent. Also, orange silk vest (£1), which needs to be worn correctly so as not to look like an escaped inmate. ALSO, amazing hat, (£4). Which is amazing, did I mention?

The crop jumper of LOVE. (£1 :D). Here worn with ye old acid wash bodycon dress.
It isn't actually cropped right now, but a quick whizz of the sewing machine tomorrow will sort this out. What I'm most amused about is that it's an old topshopper, and Topshop have similar styles in AS WE SPEAK, but like, £28? I don't know. more than a pound though, certainly.
And the boots! The boots, which are clearly amazing, but in a "hmm, little bit tacky/ugly" kinda way. Bought from Garage Shoes, which is a shop in Eldon Square in Newcastle city centre, and which really deserves it's own post, but which I will do a little paragraph about right here right now.

It is genius. It is mostly a big pile of tacky, but occasionally does the most awesome designer/Topshop rip-offs for, like, £25 a pop. These are always, ALWAYS on the the left as you go in the door, and as you go further back in the shop, the shoes get worse - past the patent, pointy toed stilettos, aka slaaaaaag shoes, right back to the perspex platforms, aka hooker shoes. Brilliant.

So this is a DIY project. Vintage dress, bought from eBay (£6..ish)...of course black doesn't photograph well, which is helpful. But it did have quite a high, round neck, and I deep v'd that shit and tack stitched the shoulders into a quirky pleat thing, which makes the shoulders massively round and huge and awesome.... Definately needs a belt with it too.

Worn in the top pic with my waistcoat, which I found in my eBay bag, before realising - hey! - waistcoats are pretty much a staple, if I eBay this I'll only end up wanting one again in a few months, right?. Also this one is super soft and buttons in an asymmetric fashion, which is ALWAYS appreciated.

Can we have a close up of those shoes?

Why yes, of course we can! Another Garage Shoes stroke of genius then. (£25, no sale this time. Boo!).

So, that's nice, hmm?

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