Sunday, 16 August 2009

Tales From The Alley

Who knew a trip to Morrisons could be so fun?
We are clearly above stealing trolleys from Morrisons....but we are not above taking already stolen trolleys from one of the alleys between the supermarket and our house.
We may or may not have also found a chair to add to our dining table. It will be sanded and sorted and added to table. 3 chairs are better than 2, I heard.

Josh did not break the chair. It broke all on it's own. We will fix it though!

Luke looks a little like he's filming one of those adverts:
"I want my chairs sourced fresh from the alley"

Wearing this, FYI:

Trying out the high waisted jeans I got off of eBay. So far, so good.
Practical for food shopping? Probably not. I've worn less practical clothing. Such is my life.

Ahhhh looking forward to tomorrow! Hopefully pics. It will be sushi/charity shopping/alley bingo/stereo based EXCELLENCE.


mam said...

Jenjenjen that is sooooo like an outfit I wore in the 80s! Scarily so!! *eeek* Vairy nice xx

Joanna said...

nice outfit! (: